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“I’m so thrilled to have found this page. In my teaching I have come across children who could not pitch a note. I realised that it was people who don’t listen that have trouble pitching. Also I realised that because this particular girl imitated me perfectly when being sarcastic (including pitch) it showed me that she had to hear in order to reproduce. From there I started getting people to listen to a sound in their mind before starting to sing it back. I’m very keen to read your method, which I’m sure is more detailed and better trialled than mine.
Thank you!”
—Peggy Hooper
Melbourne, Australia
“My 12 year old daughter has been in several school plays over the years but has avoided singing auditions because she: (a) had absolutely no pitch sense whatsoever (I do not exaggerate here); and (b) had a very narrow singing range (singing up an octave from middle C was way out of the question). Though initially skeptical (I really thought that people were born tone deaf and were stuck with whatever range they had), but with nothing really to lose, we decided to give your method a try, supplementing it only with some additional exercises regarding breath support (See your Step 8). Her target was a singing audition for the lead in a May school play.
I purchased the ebook regarding pitch because I was having trouble with a singer in my group. She literally couldn’t hear that the note was flat. The reason I know she couldn’t hear that the note was flat is because when I talked to her about it, she had no clue to what I was referring to. Every singer is important to me and I know they want to perform to their very best. Thank you so much for your helpful hints because it makes so much sense now. Thanks again!”
—Terri Traverso
Providence, RI
“I was shocked (even this is an understatement) to see my daughter progress week by week … in range, in pitch, and in ultimately confidence. After a month of this she was not only able to sing her audition song well, she was having a great time just singing around the house (something we never thought we would hear her do). But here is the incredible part: The audition day came and she was up against many girls, several of which who had been singing for quite some time. Worse yet, she chose a song that began on A above middle C (a note she could not have even hit without sounding strained, let alone sang on pitch four weeks earlier) so if she missed the note she would never be able to recover. Howard, not only did she nail the song, she got the part! We cannot thank you enough! So, for anyone thinking of giving your method a try, I say, GO FOR IT. Literally, my daughter’s life will be different because of it. Is this a great value or what?”
—Sincerely, Bruce McKellar
“This product is great. You get instant results. It is certainly worth the small financial outlay. It uses a very clever technique which really helped me overcome some of my singing obstacles. If good pitch does not come to you naturally, I would recommend giving this a try.”
—Arthur Stabolidis,
Associate diploma in Jazz, Melbourne, Australia
“I believe that your ebook cuts through numerous pages of unnecessary information offered by others. I have been singing on and off with bands for years. Now, at 55 years old, I want to be able to sing all songs on key, not just the fast, screaming ones. I’ll let you know of my progress.
—Name withheld, but on file